Latest eCommerce website development trends in 2022 - Web Bull India | Blogs

Latest eCommerce website development trends in 2022

Companies are scrambling to keep pace with the world which is becoming borderless with markets opening up in different geographies. It is essential to partner with the best and most reliable eCommerce website development company to benefit from the latest trends.

eCommerce Statistics: Current and Future

eCommerce is commercial transactions that take place electronically online. And by the year 2022, eCommerce is expected to generate $5.42 trillion in sales per year. If you’re thinking the future looks bright for those selling products online, these stats back that up.

According to the survey of Nasdaq, 95% of each purchase will be through eCommerce by the end of 20240. Thus it is important for businesses to integrate the latest trends to their eCommerce platform to gain the benefits. After 2 years of the pandemic, let’s look what the new trend in eCommerce website development. 

Latest eCommerce website development trends in 2022

eCommerce Website Development Trends 2022

Voice Assistant

Voice assistance technology is becoming the buzzword for the online market. This technology is rapidly increasing and will become the future of digital shopping. 

Voice commerce uses the technology of voice recognition to facilitate the buying of products and services. This technology allows customers to make orders through voice commands instead of typing. 

The buying process encompasses searching through a microphone, with which customers search and buy online with the help of a virtual digital assistant (VDA) such as Google Assistant, Siri, or Amazon Alexa.

The shopping process involves searching through a microphone, with which customers search and shop online with the help of a virtual digital assistant (VDA) such as Google Assistant, Alexa, or Siri. 

Voice commerce offers businesses an entirely new way to reshape the shopping experience in everyday life

Rise of Contactless Payment

Rising consumer expectations and the COVID-19 pandemic have seen a rise in the demand for contactless payments in the eCommerce industry. With the era of omnichannel eCommerce, voice-based smart devices are having a vital role in facilitating contactless payments with convenience and speed. 

Contactless payment can be done through various modes including Credit/Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI, Wallet, etc.  Website owners need to integrate order management systems for effective inventory management from the backend. Customers mostly use contactless cards for buying the essentials.

Mobile Shopping:  Major growth for eCommerce

Due to the rapid increase in mobile users, mobile shopping will continue to strengthen its dominance and witness innovation.

By 2022,  about 73 percent of all retail e-commerce is expected to be generated through mobile-commerce, a significant increase from 60 percent in 2017. There are many factors behind the rapid growth of mobile including the rapid proliferation of mobile phones, the power of growing millennials, and the major growth of the mobile-first economy.

Headless Commerce

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought an unprecedented change in the buying pattern. There is a need to bring a complete transformation so that eCommerce businesses can meet the new demands of the consumers. This requires a lot of flexibility.

Headless commerce brings a change and to put it in simple terms, it is the separation of the front end and back end of an eCommerce application.

Headless commerce empowers businesses to create custom experiences that customers can’t find anywhere else and requires APIs to ensure consistency and coordinated experience across any device, which is not just limited to standard screens.

Headless commerce eliminates the complexities of IT. It makes front-end changes simply because it does not need back-end updates. 

eCommerce Website Design Trends in 2022

With the rapid advancement in technology and penetration of new web designing software and models, 2022 is likely to witness a radical change in website designing trends. Some of the popular and fast-growing eCommerce web design trends are as follows-

Asymmetrical layouts

Well, dealing with asymmetry is a bit risky when designing the layout of your website. With the slightest error, the layout can look messy, but if done correctly, you will have an ultra-modern-looking website.

Here are some tips to consider when working with asymmetric layouts.

  • Get rid of the spacing within the interface’s grid layout so you can enjoy more freedom.
  • Try overlapping elements and adding contrast to the larger header with a few smaller images.
  • Make good use of empty background space

Interactive designs. 

Nowadays, just a simple and plain website is not sufficient to take your business to a new level. Your website requires to have interactive designs to interact with your potential customers. It helps to build a positive user experience. The attractive and user-friendly design helps to improve the brand image and increase your success rate. You can integrate an interactive video, give the explanation of products with a 3D image and get benefits from micro-interactions.

Dark Mode

The dark mode is another trending design for websites that works smoothly with OLED screens which are found commonly in mobile phones. As mobile commerce is booming, this trend will be very beneficial in the long run. Dark mode helps you to give an attractive and eye-friendly design for your brand. With this design pattern, it becomes very easy to highlight important elements on your website and get a creative edge over your competitors. 

Use of bold color

The key to getting a large customer base is to attract them to your website. Therefore, most websites have abandoned their initial theme and color scheme and have gone for a bold and highly contrasting color scheme. The paradigm shift from light and neutral colors to warm and bold colors is evident through websites. This type of color scheme has gained mass popularity which is likely to increase in the future.

Lower Website Load Time and Page Speed

All e-commerce websites are committed to enhancing customer satisfaction by implementing various innovative strategies. Lower website loading time and page speed are some of the most crucial website design trends that are likely to revolutionize 2022. High load times usually affect page results and SEO. That is why companies are focused on reducing it. Customers are taken to new results and a new page and new results in the blink of an eye. 

Increased Use of Smart Content

Contents are the key to the success of any business. Websites turn toward smart content which includes statistics, engaging graphics, useful videos, 3D images, and much more. The only aim is to integrate all these to generate maximum customer engagement.  Smart content also helps to attract a large number of customers to e-commerce websites.  Thus, such websites have benefited immensely from the use of smart content. Most website development companies have made it a point to include smart content under their website design templates to prevent missing out on this important feature.

Personalized filters and content

Most of the websites have started displaying personalized content based on location and shopping trends. The use of big data has made this kind of innovation possible and is within the grasp of most e-commerce companies. These eCommerce websites use your geo-location and map your preferences and tastes to display products accordingly.

Such a facility helps in increasing the satisfaction of the customers and reduces their effort in searching for the products they want. Instead, the product of their choice is placed directly in front of them with the help of personalized content. You can also filter your choices through multiple options on e-commerce sites. These filters allow you to select products from a specific category, ingredients, and more.

Payment diversification

Payment diversification is one of the most important and remarkable website designing trends in the present times. Payment diversification options let eCommerce platforms accept payments from various sources and gateways. 

Thus, customers no longer need to rely on credit and debit cards for their purchases. Instead, they can use more diverse payment options which include net banking, UPI payment, and many others  This feature has helped in increasing customer satisfaction and has offered great flexibility in online shopping.

Read More: GPS Tracking Mobile App Development- 4 Secret Practices You Need to Follow.


The eCommerce industry is on the verge of change and is constantly evolving. eCommerce websites need to stay updated with the latest trends. While these trends are few, there are emerging trends in the eCommerce industry like drones, facial recognition in stores, drones, AI in customer sourcing, and much more. In such scenarios, it is vital to understand your business requirements and target audience.

However, the ability to innovate will help it stand ahead in a highly competitive online market, copying a trend simply by applying business logic will yield no results.